• All of our products are imported from Italy, Germany, France and England. There is no existence of REPLICA.
  • We take Pre-Order for any kind of luxurious goods except Food and Medicine items. Pre-Order product’s price depend on current website price
  • We do not take advance for Pre-Order but if your order cross the amount of 1000 BDT you have to pay 50% advance by BKash(Excluding Money Transfer Charge) for your product.
  • We allow you to cancel your order, but you have to do this within 12 hours after the time you ordered. Once we’re prepared, you can’t cancel it and we won’t refund you.
  • We have two kind of delivery, Express and Standard. For express which we do in 13 days, you have to pay extra 500BDT for each item and Normal delivery without extra charge we make within 20 to 30 days after the order dispatched. 
  • You will be charged 50BDT(In Dhaka) and outside of Dhaka 120BDT for delivery.
  • If the product is lost or any kind of mistake committed by us ONLY THEN the demurrage will be given.